Scott Travers

Scott is a Postdoctoral Researcher in the Department of Genetics at Rutgers University. He is currently working on a range of projects, which include: (1) evolutionary genomics of snake venoms, (2) development of bioinformatic protocols for characterizing and curating transposable element families from genomic data, and (3) discovery and evolution of tropical Pacific Island biodiversity. Before joining the Ellison lab, he was an NIH-IRACDA funded Postdoctoral Fellow at Rutgers’ Robert Wood Johnson School of Medicine, with a research appointment in the lab of Sara Ruane (now at the Field Museum) and a teaching appointment at William Paterson University. He received his PhD from the University of Kansas, where he studied phylogenomics and community assembly of Melanesian Island vertebrates in the lab of Rafe Brown. He received his MS from Villanova University, where he studied phylogenetics and biogeography of African lizards in the lab of Aaron Bauer. As an undergraduate student at the University of Florida, he studied how indigenous land use practices impacted amphibian and reptile diversity in Central America.